Project Description
GOWE, Kenya
The Growth Oriented Women Enterprises (GOWE) Programme in Kenya was officially launched in November 2006 together with IFC and ILO. The programme aimed to empower women entrepreneurs and enhance the viability and success of their enterprises through providing access to credit and capacity building services.
In 2010, AMSCO was appointed to manage the technical assistance section of the Project to continue building the capacity of the GOWEs using various tools such as:
- The “Improve your Business” and “Expand Your Business” training programmes,
- Business Edge programmes,
- The GOWE Business Planning programme.
Through AMSCO, the Project sought to improve managerial capacity of the main players including local banks, women enterprise associations and women entrepreneurs. This included, but not limited to, the following objectives:
Market the capacity building project to all GOWEs and women associations
Report to AfDB on the operations and performance of the Project
Train Women Entrepreneurship Associations (WEAs) and facilitate networking opportunities
Facilitate linkages with other donors and programmes in order to leverage and increase the project impact and reach
In addition, 20 mentors were trained and equipped with mentoring skills, and 35 bank officers were trained in gender issues. Twelve Women Entrepreneurship Associations were assisted with organisational development and 70 of their officers were trained. GOWEs trained have shown a 57% increase in employment numbers / jobs provided.